
Webhooks allow you subscribe to certain events relating to your mailings, such as delivery notification, exception, etc... When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to update an external system such as a CRM or marketing automation tool.

Webhooks can be set up at an account level, just navigate to API > Webhooks to get started. You can create up to 10 webhooks. Once setup, the webhook will be triggered each time an event occurs on any mailing within your account.


Webhooks contain a JSON payload with the following fields.


HTTP POST payloads contain an X-SLM-Signature HTTP header. This is the HMAC hex digest of the response body. It is generated using the SHA1 hash function with the secret displayed on the API > Webhooks page as the HMAC key. You can use this in order to verify the authenticity and integrity of a payload.

POST /endpoint HTTP/1.1
Content-Length:	131
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: SLM/1.2
X-SLM-Signature: 205610e3f868a33d2a9fed113bb7c79e3d56c4bc

  "object_id": "ffe27528-adea-496a-ba2b-23cde9d70b97",
  "object_type": "Mailing",
  "event": "mailed",
  "timestamp": "2019-02-22T15:15:39Z"


Each event corresponds to the state of a mailing:

Retry Policy

If the server does not return a HTTP 200 Success response code, we will retry the POST up to 10 times using an exponential backoff strategy.

Webhooks which continue to fail after exhausting their retry attempts will be automatically disabled and will need to be re-enabled manually from the dashboard.


When you create a webhook, we'll send a simple ping event to test connectivity. You can also trigger them from the webhooks list.

Last updated